Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Happiest Place On Earth!!!

You know the only reason I would opt for waking up at 5am would be to get on a plane, so if I'm getting up at 5am and going to school, you damn well know that I'm goin to disney! Me and Natalie trudged into gym west at the break of dawn, sporting 3 hours of sleep and a blue Mickey tank. We drove, we flew, we walked, we were finally in Orlando, Florida. Our first park was Typhoon Lagoon where we spent the last few hours we had after our flight, but it was the second day at Magic Kingdom that would really begin the vacation of our lives. At Magic Kingdom, my room of me, Natalie, Tessa, and Caroline quickly joined the rest of the girls to get the classic jumping pic in front of the castle, which I am proud to say was a success.
We spent the rest of our day meeting princesses and fitting in as many rides as we could. We ended our first full day in the park by watching the fireworks over the castle.
Sitting in the pouring rain watching the light show with my best friends has to be one of my favorite memories to date. All I remember of that night is crying and telling everyone how much I loved them. 
A few days later we took a break from the Disney parks and went to Universal Studios, where we spent the majority of the time drinking butterbeer and admiring wands. This park was a nice change from the others, filled with roller coasters and thrill rides that we hadn't seen yet on the trip. 
Our group grew daily, and I wound up making tons of friends that I'm glad I know as a result of the trip. The memories and experiences on that trip are ones that I wouldn't trade for anything, and as everyone kept reminding me that "this would be the last time our whole friend group is together on vacation" and "this is the last time we will be in disney until we have kids," I couldn't help but cherish the times that I had while down there and be eternally grateful for the experience. 
Our final night was spent in Epcot, where we dined at classy (non-meal card) restaurants and came full circle by ending with a light show. 
Goodbye Disney, thanks for the memories.