Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Boulder is Better!!

I stepped off the plane in a brand new city halfway across the country to meet a girl who I hadn't seen in nearly a year- so you can imagine I was feeling pretty confident (siiike). After some trouble sorting out directions, I found Sarah Lurie, Ella's younger sister, and eagerly jumped into her car. While this was our first time meeting, we began talking like we had known each other for years (similar to what it was like when I had met her sister for the first time). We stopped by Ella's work to say hi, but left shortly after we noticed Ella's manager shooting dirty looks her way. I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Sarah and awaiting Ella's arrival, and when she finally came home, well, cue slow motion running into each other's arms circa 2004 Notebook.
While Ella and my communication has been spotty within the past year, consisting of nothing more than scattered texts and snapchats, seeing each other was as if we were never apart. We spent our time catching each other up on our busy lives and experiencing what would come to be one of my favorite cities.
We started off the trip with a hike up to Flagstaff to watch the sunset; a memory that will forever hold a place in my mind as being one of the most beautiful and exhilarating experiences. I do admit I thought Ella was a little crazy when she kept yelling at Peyton "higher! higher!" as her convertible whipped around the mountain road, but clearly she knew what she was doing as the view was breathtaking.
We spent our first full day at Elitches, a local amusement park, and endured the treacherous heat and long lines, most of which we ducked out of after hearing an announcement that the ride had broken down. While most would consider a day like this a drag, I had nothing but smiles to show- I was in the mile-high city and was high on life (and only on life, I promise). 
Whenever I told anyone I was going to Boulder, the first thing they said was "wow the hiking there is amazing!!" And so I decided to give it a try. Unsure of whether I was thoroughly out of shape of just having trouble adjusting to the air (lets say its the air, huh?), I struggled to make it up the 3rd flat iron, but let me tell ya, the view was worth it. 
I arrived in Boulder expecting to visit a friend, but I wound up with so much more than that. Ella's family welcomed me and made me feel like one of their own, Ella's friends included me in their fun hangouts and adventures, and Boulder quickly began to feel like a place I could call home. Thank you Boulder, I hope someday to return.