Friday, July 10, 2015

Life's a Beach

I sat on the guard stand counting the minutes I had left until I was on the road, and when it was time to clock, out my smile was way too big for someone who had just worked a 6 hour lifegaurd shift. I hopped in my car and it was off to Avalon to see KT. The car ride flew by with American Authors blasting through my car radio, and before I knew it I was breathing in salty air and hugging my best friend.
Day one we headed to the beach, lasting all of one hour before brushing off the sand and taking a seat by Kristen's backyard pool where we laid out, read books, and listened to music.

Day two Kristen turned on the car radio and drove around to all her favorite spots while I manned a camera in the passenger seat. I captured all my favorite views and moments on video which I later edited together (link at the end). We finished off the day with some (dairy free) ice cream and a walk on the OC boardwalk.. pretty good day for a filmgal like me.
Our last full day was the one we avoided talking about, and so we decided to mask the idea of me leaving with some of our favorite activities: surfing and yoga. After making peace with our minds and bodies, we stuffed the surfboards into my car (which was not easy) and headed to the best surfing spot in Avalon.
While the waves hardly compared to the previous locations I had surfed (Santa Catalina.. Playa Negra), there were waves none the less and Kristen and I wasted the afternoon away with salt water in our hair and wax on our stomachs. 
Avalon, while only an hour and a half from the city, is a whole different vibe and atmosphere. The beach was a much needed detox from home and a way to unwind and obtain a sense of adventure without hopping on a plane. See you next summer Avalon (assuming Kristen invites me back).