Monday, October 27, 2014

Atlanta, Home of the Braves

While my mom thought that the main point of the trip was to visit Emory, I had a different opinion on what the trip was all about, and that was visiting my best (and long distance) friend Julia. So we started off the trip with a tour of the school that my mom once called home, and I fell in love with the southern/urban vibe and beautiful open campus. However, it was still a college tour, and a few hours later I was ready to call it a day.
The big plans for the night were for me to be Julia's date to her homecoming dance, and so after a lovely dinner with our moms, we set off to Pace Academy. While ultimately feeling awkward walking into the school of unfamiliar surroundings and people, Julia's friends instantly recognized me from pictures and included me in their dance groups and jokes. Me and Julia danced the night away, happy to be in each other's presence. 

The next night was also my last night, and while no plans currently existed, I couldn't help but pick up the phone and request another night in with Julia. We took our moms out for Thai where we told them funny Panama stories and let our moms reminisce about their days at Emory (did you know so-and so? no way!!!) and ended the night hanging out on Julia's bed, doing normal, non-long distance friend stuff.

Before catching our flight, me and my mom decided to visit the Coca Cola museum. While my mom was interested in reading all the information, I willingly made my way over to the movie. We had a great time tasting coke from around the world and soaking up our surroundings for one last time before we had to head home.

Atlanta, I knew you would be great because Julia lives there, and she's pretty damn amazing.