Monday, February 16, 2015

The Blizzard Was Real!!!

The original plan was for me to stay with Aastha in her small town just outside of Boston for 3 days and then head into the city for one last day... well, plans change. On the second day with Aastha, the snow started to fall and it was announced that all trains would be cancelled the following day- so I hopped the last train to Boston and said a hard goodbye to my panamanian friend.
Arriving in Boston at 8:00 on Valentines day with no plans was not ideal, but luckily with a few texts well sent I landed dinner plans with an old friend of mine and a place to stay at BU. Tamara took me in and introduced me to good people and a good time (or as Tam would say, dopppeee ppl w goooood vibezz). 

Because of my last minute arrival, Tamara couldn't entertain me for my whole stay and had to actually get some school work done, the nerve of that girl amiright?? Anyways I took the opportunity to make my way down to Newbury street and get some shopping in... by myself... during the blizzard. So because all the public transit was beat, I walked a few miles in my brand new Hunters (eh, not as insulated as you would think) only to find out that most of the stores were closed. Huh. Following some more bad news and bad frostbite, I found myself back in Tamara's dorm watching Netflix, what else?
Despite the conditions, the city of Boston didn't fail to amaze me with its amazing places and people. Aside from my $200 uber bill, I have no regrets visiting Boston the weekend of the infamous blizzard, as it was a weekend filled with good people and good times.