Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Czech it Out!

Our flight was the type where you get on the plane at night in Philly and land in the morning in Prague, so for those like me who can't sleep on planes if their lives depended on it, it made for one very tiring day. Starting off the vacation running on 0 hours of sleep, I got sick almost immediately.
After landing in Prague, we hopped into a van (with no AC) and headed to Hotel Maximilian where Rachel had been waiting for us. Starving and crampy, Rachel took us on a little walk through the city where she had spent her last 5 weeks studying and took us to one of her favorite Asian restaurants. 
The next day I wasn't feeling quite well enough to go on the tour, so I stayed back in the hotel room and found a bit of time to explore the city on my own while the rest of my family took a trip to the Jewish Synagogues. 
The next day, I found the will to get myself up and out of the hotel to tour the Prague castle, where we saw some of the most extraordinary views and architecture.

One of Rachel's favorite spots in Prague is the Lennon Wall, so we took a walk past Beatles-inspired restaurants and took our pictures with the wall (which she had painted on just days before).
Prague was full of beautiful sights and rich history, but alas it was time to move on to our next destination. So long Prague!